Starting your research by using comparison websites is a good initial step but does not help you understand which lender is best suited to meet your goal. Different lenders have policies which may work better or worse for you depending on your situation. For example we may recommend a lender who has a better policy for business owners which maximises borrowing capacity and provides you with more choice for where you can buy. Let us understand you so you can feel confident in the reasons behind our lender recommendations.
There are many reasons why refinancing may be right for you especially in a changing interest rate environment. It can be a great way for you to save on interest, pay off debts, unlock equity or transfer the ownership of a home. Let us guide you through the choices available to ensure you feel confident in your decision.
Reviewing your business banking will help unlock the potential of your business!
Thinking of moving home but want to secure the perfect property before you sell? A bridging loan may be the right solution for you. At Ridgemont Finance we are highly experienced with all aspects of Bridging and can assist to ensure your move is a smooth transition.
Private lenders are an alternative for clients who simple won’t qualify with a traditional bank or lender. We are experienced in thinking outside the box to deliver you a solution that others won’t.
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